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Sunday, November 18, 2018

Professionalism Coming to the Trump Cabinet

Breaking with Tradition

No longer in keeping with the tradition that everyday is "Take Your Child to Work Day," President Trump has appointed four-star general John Abizaid to be the new ambassador to Saudi Arabia. Abizaid has great experience with Middle East relations, including working for the Bush Administration.  According to, diplomatic relations with the Saudi government was previously handled by Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Experience Beyond Cabinet Level'

Those who may question the political viewpoint  of a former Bush Administration appointee may find relevant and reassuring information about Abizaid in his Department of Defense biography.  There one will find a variety of commands and qualifications, including:
General Abizaid commanded the 3rd Battalion, 325th Airborne Battalion combat Team in Vicenza, Italy, during the Gulf crisis and deployed with the battalion to Kurdistan in Northern Iraq. His brigade command was the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 82nd Airborne Division. He served as the Assistant Division Commander, 1st Armored Division, in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Following that tour, he served as the 66th Commandant at West Point. Later, he commanded 1st Infantry Division, the “Big Red One,” in Wurzburg which provided our first ground forces into Kosovo. He served as the Deputy Commander (Forward), Combined Forces Command, US Central Command during Operation IRAQI FREEDOM.

In addition, according to CNN, Abizaid speaks Arabic fluently.  It would be difficult to find someone with more complete qualifications.

 Does This Mean Our President is Growing Up?

Let's not get too excited.  While this and other recent appointments do show some thought to outcomes, it is too early to make huge predictions.   Trump, in a more recent interview with Chris Wallace, called the media "enemies of the public" that are responsible for widespread violence in our country.  Wallace reminded him that he does not get to decide what is true or fake for the American people.

Time will tell if Trump continues to make rational qualified appointments.  Let's hope so.

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